HTLC News Email, October 28, 2022

Hi. Everybody:

This Sunday, October 30, is Reformation Sunday WEAR RED!  (Ouch, that was loud!)  Schedule is normal:  Worship at 10 am and Sunday School/Confirmation at 11:15 am.  We are expecting visitors from Christ the King.  Be sure to introduce yourselves and make them feel welcome, which you should already be doing anyway to everyone who comes to church (This is most certainly true!).

Trunk or Treat is on Monday, October 31, Halloween (I mean Reformation Day) from 6 pm to 8 pm.  We have a few people signed up, but we could certainly use more.  Bring all your accumulated decorations, strew them about your car or a parking space, put out a bowl of treats, grab a hot dog and nachos, and sit back and enjoy the costumed kiddies (or schmooze with your church friends).  If you’re decorating something, please come early enough to finish before 6 pm.  Remember to bring any batteries you might need (something everyone always forgets).  See you there!

Next Sunday, November 6, is All Saints Sunday.  Be sure to get your saints’ names on the clipboard on the Media Table (or email them to me) and get pictures to Carmen by this Sunday (Oct. 30).  Pictures and names will be on the screens (well, actually walls) at church and also streamed online, so be sure everyone in your pictures is okay with appearing on the world-wide web (I’m talking about any litigious living people appearing in your pictures – displeased saints will just smite you).  Next Sunday is also the first Sunday of the month, which means not only Zoom Coffee Chat and Nachos, but our Sunday School/Confirmation Classes will be held jointly with Holy Redeemer, this time at their campus in Newark.

The Holiday Boutique is only two weeks away on November 12, from 9 am to 3 pm.  Put on by the animal welfare group Beau’s Bridge Club and held here at Holy Trinity, It’s a great way to get some Christmas shopping done.  Holy Trinity has been provided with a double booth where we’ll be selling* crafty items from our members (get crafting!) and getting the word out about Holy Trinity.  We will also have a food stand where we’ll be selling* delicious items.  Don’t miss it!

*(by “selling,” I mean “complimentary with a suggested donation,” of course)

– Keith
your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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