HTLC News Email, October 30, 2020

Hi, Everybody:

So much special stuff going on tomorrow night, October 31st.  Of course, it’s Halloween (the popular costume this year is anything with a mask), and Reformation Day (when the ghost of Martin Luther nails 95 Reese’s to the doors of good little Lutheran boys and girls), but most importantly, it’s time to turn your clocks back one hour.  Yes, it’s impossible to be late for our online worship service video but Zoom-based events are another matter.  There is NO Trunk-or-Treat this year due to that other scary event:  COVID-19 (no, not the election).

This Sunday, November 1st, is All Saints Day.  There will be a point in the online worship service when you are invited to light candles at home for the saints in your life, so be sure to have some on hand (candles and saints).  Zoom Coffee ChatCommunion, and Adult Forum are at the usual times of 9:15, 9:45, and 10:00 respectively, with the same Zoom information as last week (I’ll repeat it in Sunday’s email).  Sunday School and Confirmation students are invited to join Adult Forum for part two of Kathleen and Leah Keating’s presentation on their trip to Romania.  This week they will focus on the churches they visited and include a discussion of the religious history of the Transylvanian region (“I vant to taste your bloo- I mean sacramental vine!” [Count Dracula was a transubstantiationist]).

The Cause of the Month for November is, as it has been for years, Adopt an Angel – Christmas gifts for children in shelters, group homes, or foster care.  This year they are hosting a $25 gift Card Drive in lieu of physical gifts due to restrictions from COVID-19.  You can participate by purchasing Amazon, Target, Walmart, or Visa gift cards through HTLC’s scrip program, at a store, or online (or donating the funds for them) and getting them to Cheryl Kuhlmann by December 4th.  Her details on how to do this are in the attachment to this email.  Now, gift cards may be less satisfying for your shopping addiction, but the kids will appreciate them (and so will Santa’s reindeer who will only have to pull a sleigh full of gift cards this year!).

Today the parking lot at HTLC is being painted with parking stripes and should be open again soon – I’ll let you know when.  Here’s a picture of them putting the slurry seal on it last Sunday.  Thanks, Boy Scout Troop #132 and Guerra Construction!

Happy Halloween/Reformation Day and Turn-Back-Your-Clocks/All Saints Day!
– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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