HTLC News Email, September 30, 2022

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, October 2, 2022, is the 17th Sunday after Pentecost and Nacho Name Tag Sunday.  Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church is visiting from Newark, so be on your best behavior (which was never much to write home about, anyway!).  It’s Holy Trinity’s turn to host the first-Sunday-of-the-month-get-together of our two churches’ Sunday School and Confirmation Classes, and Holy Redeemer figured, “What the heck, let’s ALL go to HTLC!” (not a direct quote)  Thank you to Pastor Barbara for presiding at communion, and for providing Children’s Time (again, Pastor Tim has managed to foist it off on someone else!).  Sandy Barron will have a table set up on the patio after church with bonsai information and examples for those who are interested in learning more about this fascinating art form.  Nachos, bonsai, and new friends – Don’t miss it!

Oktoberfest is practically here! (next Saturday, October 8, 4-8 pm)  Be sure to sign up in the narthex or by emailing me in the next few days, because Hospitality will need to know how much food they need to purchase and prepare.  Bavarian-themed food, drinks, and activities including karaoke and a bouncy house will abound (or rebound, in the case of the bouncy house).  “Suggested Donations” are $15 for adults, $10 for kids and seniors, and $45 for a family of 4.  (Beer, wine, and bottled/canned drinks are extra).  Invite your friends and we’ll all have a great time while hopefully raising some much-needed funds!

Animal Blessing Sunday will be the very next day, October 9.  Bring your plush toy animals to the 10 am worship service for a blessing during Children’s Time, and bring your live pets to the patio area at 11:15 am for a short ceremony to bless our furry/feathery/scaly companions.  They deserve it!  Jeanine, our volunteer chicken, is still here.  No eggs yet – so is she still considered a “contributing” member? (maybe she’s gone through henopause)

your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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