HTLC News Email

Hi, Everybody:

This Sunday, December 20, is the 4th Sunday of Advent, which means Christmas is dangerously tantalizingly close.  It is also traditionally our Sermon-in-Song Sunday, when the choir takes over the Sermon slot in the service with a short program of seasonal songs, usually linked (sometimes tenuously) by a theme.  Of course, with COVID restrictions preventing us from rehearsing and performing, this year had to be different.  Actually, come to think of it, this year will be exactly the same as two years ago, since I’m using a live recording of 2018’s Sermon-in-Song along with the images from that year (with some tweaking).  I hope you enjoy it.  The online worship service video, Zoom Coffee Chat and Zoom Adult Forum are all as usual this Sunday.  You’ll get an email with more info on Sunday.

During Adult Forum this Sunday (by Zoom at 10 a.m.), Dean Sieglaff will be presenting Star of Bethlehem Part II (“Revenge of the Magi”?).  If you missed part I, you’re in luck!  No, not in luck that you missed it, you’re in luck that you can still see a recording of the Zoom session here:  Give it a look-see before part II!

We may not have been dreaming of a purple-zone Christmas, but two Christmas Eve Services will still be available on the 24th.  One will be a pre-recorded video like our Sunday services, the other will be live-ish by Zoom at 5 p.m. (some parts will be pre-recorded).  The services will be similar.  The difference is that the live Zoom one will have Communion (and, of course, the chance of witnessing major flub-ups – that’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown!).  I’ll be sending out an email with Zoom instructions.  Be prepared with communion supplies (cookies and eggnog?) and candles to sing “Silent Night” with!

Here’s what Terri has to say about the latest Financial Update:

“Here we are in December and soon to say good-bye to 2020, a year we won’t soon forget! During this time of very little interaction with our faith family I remain amazed at the continued giving to fund the ministries of Holy Trinity. We have a few short weeks until the end of the year. Please prayerfully consider giving a year-end donation. Although our current shortfall is about $7,900, I am optimistic that we can meet this goal and end up in the positive financially! Again, thank you for your continued support. Your Treasurer, Terri “

In other official news, the date for our now-virtual Annual Congregational Meeting has been set for February 21, 2021.  Mark your calendars accordingly.

Lots of good stuff has been happening around the Holy Trinity campus while all this physical distancing has been going on – repairs and upgrades!  If you’d like to see photos of some of what’s been done, click on this link:  Thanks to all who have volunteered their time to work on these projects! (it’s not done by Santa’s elves, you know!)

– Keith, your friendly Parish Life Coordinator (i.e. Church Secretary)

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