Spaghetti Feed Postponed / Virus Information

Hi, Everybody:

It was decided just last night to postpone the Spaghetti Feed out of an “abundance of caution” (as Pastor Tim put it) due to the Corona Virus.  Thank you to all who have worked so hard up to this point.  This is just a pause until the virus blows over (duck!).  At first I was disappointed, because I had been so looking forward to the Spaghetti Feed, but then I realized it wouldn’t be much of a fundraiser if people stayed away in droves, and I would miss hanging out with all the fun people who stayed away.  Better to hold it when we can all enjoy it!  Be sure to warn everybody you invited!

We are still holding Sunday services.  We have already been taking precautions by wiping down door handles, light switches and other commonly used surfaces before services.  We are not using the common cup or intinction for communion, but instead are using the single-use disposable individual cups.  We are suspending the Sharing of the Peace (lest we share more than just peace) and Pastor Tim is avoiding shaking hands.  You also can  help by staying home if you’re sick and washing your hands thoroughly and often (both good advice at all times!)  For more information on the Corona Virus, here is a link to the latest news and recommendations from the Alameda County Public Health Department:  http://www​

Stay well, folks!
– Keith, Your currently healthy Parish Life Coordinator

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