Keith Hillesland

HTLC News Email, February 12, 2021

Hi, Everybody: This Sunday, February 14 is Transfiguration Sunday, Scrip Sunday, and Valentine’s Day (Tip:  don’t give your sweetheart scrip for Valentine’s Day, lest they transfigure your face!).  Zoom Communion is back at 9:45 a.m., so Coffee Chat moves back to 9:15 a.m.  Confirmation Class resumes at 10 a.m. Ash Wednesday is coming up this Wednesday, February 17 – the beginning of the season of Lent.  …

HTLC News Email, February 12, 2021 Read More »

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Pastor Tia Pelz of Christ the King

Devotion for February 9, 2021 from Pastor Tia Pelz of Christ the King Dear Saints dressed in glitter and love!  Carnival is just around the corner. The crazy, wonderful, giddy time when nothing should be taken seriously. Except eating and drinking too much of all the things that aren’t good for you.   When I was …

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Pastor Tia Pelz of Christ the King Read More »

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Pastor Barbara Caine of Holy Redeemer, February 04, 2021

Devotion for February 04,2021 from Pastor Barbara Caine of Holy Redeemer: Did you know there is a shortage of Grape Nuts?  I’m serious.  My housemate’s family (God bless them!) shops for us and they’ve had a really hard time finding Grape Nuts cereal lately.  So, do you know why we can’t find any?  During this …

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Pastor Barbara Caine of Holy Redeemer, February 04, 2021 Read More »

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Vicar Anand Darla of Good Shepherd South Asian Ministries, February 02, 2021

Devotion for February 2, 2021 from Vicar Anand Darla of Good Shepherd South Asian Ministries:  Physical Brokenness and Spiritual Victory  Vicar Anand GSSAM Fremont  Today I want to meditate on how the Lord uses the weak like us to accomplish His will. In the Old Testament Gideon’s story, the Lord magnified His own power against …

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Vicar Anand Darla of Good Shepherd South Asian Ministries, February 02, 2021 Read More »

HTLC News Email, January 29, 2021

Hi, Everybody: This Sunday, January 31, is the 4th Sunday after Epiphany and, since it’s the last Sunday in January, RIC (Reconciling in Christ) Sunday.  RIC is a program which helps congregations learn to fully welcome those in the LGBTQIA+ community.  We’ll be having special liturgies, prayers, and a reading of our Welcome Statement to celebrate our commitment …

HTLC News Email, January 29, 2021 Read More »

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Pastor Tia Pelz of Christ the King, January 28, 2021

Devotion for January 28 2021 from Pastor Tia Pelz of Christ the King: Dear Saints! Tuesday evening, I stepped outside. And was hit by heavy rain and a wind that took away my breath for a second. I inhaled deeply, once, twice and stretched my arms into the air. This felt like home! I ran …

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Pastor Tia Pelz of Christ the King, January 28, 2021 Read More »

Pastor Tim

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Pastor Tim of Holy Trinity, January 26, 2021

Devotion for January 26, 2021 from Pastor Tim Huff of Holy Trinity: “I cried to you for help, Yahweh my God, and you healed me.”Psalm 30:2 Most of us, at any given time, know at least a handful of people who are battling an illness of some kind. One of those people might even be …

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Pastor Tim of Holy Trinity, January 26, 2021 Read More »

HTLC News Email, January 22, 2021

Hi, Everybody: This Sunday, January 24, is the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany.  Everything is COVID-normal with the online worship service(available to watch starting each Sunday morning), Zoom Coffee Chat at 9:15 a.m., Zoom Communion at 9:45, and Zoom Sunday School, Confirmation Class, and Adult Forum at 10 a.m. (more on Adult Forum in the next paragraph).  As usual, the Zoom information will be …

HTLC News Email, January 22, 2021 Read More »

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Pastor Barbara Caine of Holy Redeemer, January 21, 2021

Devotion for January 21, 2021 from Pastor Barbara Caine of Holy Redeemer: [Mary Magdelene] said to the [angels angel in the tomb], “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not …

Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Pastor Barbara Caine of Holy Redeemer, January 21, 2021 Read More »