Keith Hillesland

HTLC/HRLC News Email, September 23, 2023

Hi, Everybody: This Sunday, September 24, is the 17th Sunday after Pentecost and Lutheran Loose Change Sunday.  There is Worship Helper Training at 9 am for all of you worship-helper-wannabes (communion assistants, lay liturgists, acolytes, readers, and ushers – oh, my!).  Worship is at 10 am and Sunday School/Confirmation at 11:15 am. Have You Taken the Survey?  This past week we emailed a link to an online survey …

HTLC/HRLC News Email, September 23, 2023 Read More »

Worship Service for September 17, 2023 – Pentecost 16

Worship Service for September 17, 2023 – Pentecost 16 Thank you for joining us for our live 10 am worship service. Please see our bulletin if you’d like to follow along and participate. Today’s Message is provided by the Sierra Pacific Synod. Pastor Tim is attending the Synod Assembly. If you’d like to join us in person for …

Worship Service for September 17, 2023 – Pentecost 16 Read More »

HTLC/HRLC News Email, September 15, 2023

Hi, Everybody: This Sunday, September 17, is the 16th Sunday after Pentecost and Fill the Food Barrel Sunday.  There is an Altar Guild Meeting at 9 am for those interested in helping out with communion set-up, clean-up, and other various altar-related tasks (part of the job is repeatedly pouring wine into glasses – I’m pretty sure some of you are very …

HTLC/HRLC News Email, September 15, 2023 Read More »

Worship Service for September 10, 2023 – Pentecost 15, Rally Day

Worship Service for September 10, 2023 – Pentecost 15, Rally Day Thank you for joining us for our live 10 am worship service. Please see our bulletin if you’d like to follow along and participate. If you’d like to join us in person for our 10 am Sunday services, we recommend wearing a mask, and we provide excellent …

Worship Service for September 10, 2023 – Pentecost 15, Rally Day Read More »

HTLC/HRLC News Email, September 8, 2023

Hi, Everybody: This Sunday, September 10, is the 15th Sunday after Pentecost, Scrip Sunday, and Rally Day!  All sorts of things are happening as we celebrate the beginning of the education year.  During Children’s Time at the single 10 am service, we will have the Blessing of Backpacks and Briefcases,* so be sure to bring them along, Presentation of Bibles for third graders, …

HTLC/HRLC News Email, September 8, 2023 Read More »

HTLC/HRLC News Email, September 1, 2023

Happy Labor Day weekend, Everybody!  The church office will be closed on Monday for the holiday (happy Labor Day to me!). This Sunday, September 3, is the 14th Sunday after Pentecost and Name Tag Sunday.  You’ll notice I didn’t mention nachos.  That’s because nachos have been postponed until next week, which is… Rally Day!  Yes, the kick-off for our fall Christian education …

HTLC/HRLC News Email, September 1, 2023 Read More »

Worship Service for August 20, 2023 – Pentecost 12

Worship Service for August 20, 2023 – Pentecost 12 Thank you for joining us for our live 10 am worship service. Please see our bulletin if you’d like to follow along and participate. We welcome back Pastor Tim who is returning from sabbatical/vacation.. If you’d like to join us in person for our 10 am Sunday services, we …

Worship Service for August 20, 2023 – Pentecost 12 Read More »