Devotions from Tri-City ELCA Pastors – Vicar Anand Darla of Good Shepherd South Asian Ministries, October 1, 2020

Children are Blessing from God: Genesis 4:1 

     The Scripture clearly teaches that children are blessed gifts from the Lord. God designed them to be a blessing. They are supposed to be a joy. They are a true treasure from the Lord to grace our lives with fulfillment, meaning, happiness, and satisfaction. Parenthood is God’s gift to us.

     Genesis 4:1 “Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, ‘I have gotten a child with the help of the Lord.’” She regarded the child as a gift from the hand of the dear Lord and she was overjoyed by it. Despite the pain of childbirth, and irrespective of the fallenness of the child himself, she knew that the child was an emblem of God’s grace to her. 

     This COVID-19 restrictions gave the greatest opportunity to have maximum family time in the history of our lives. With such a wonderful opportunity did we as a parent used this opportunity to learn about our kid’s real gifts and talents as given by the Lord. Or simply lost that the wonderful and precious time given each one of us as a parent. Parenting is hard only to the degree that parents make it hard by failing to follow the simple principles God sets forth. To neglect one’s duty before God as a parent is to forfeit the blessing inherent in the task. 

     God in His sovereign gracious plan, children are given to bring parents joy, happiness, contentment, satisfaction, and love. Psalm 127:3–5: 

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth.
How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;
They will not be ashamed
When they speak with their enemies in the gate. 

​     Clearly, in the plan of God, children are meant to be a blessing, not a hardship. And they usually are a blessing when they arrive. But left exposed to this world and unshaded by the proper kind of protection, they will indeed break your heart. So finally, my dear parent’s scripture guarantee that our parenting will succeed if we follow God’s plan. 

Vicar Anand Darla (GSSAM 4211 Carol Ave, Fremont) 

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