HTLC News Email, March 27, 2020

Hi, Everybody:

Yes, I’m still working from home (although the siren song of the television is awfully hard to resist).  I hope the only way you’re going stir crazy is with a spoon while trying out some new recipes (i.e. cream of whatever-the-store-had-left).

This Sunday, March 29, is the 5th Sunday in Lent.  Once again there are no worship services or other gatherings at the church due to the COVID-19 shelter-in-place order.  However, like last week, we do plan to have an online service recorded and ready, for which we’ll send out a link on Sunday.  The ELCA frowns upon e-communion, so that will not be part of the service.  And please don’t self-administer communion at home with a bottle of wine and a bag of Cheetos (though I do recommend a red with Cheetos).  Once upon a time our church had communion only once a month, so I’m sure we can soldier through!

But what about Palm Sunday, what about Good Friday, WHAT ABOUT EASTER?!  I hear you say (all the way from here).  Well, as of this writing, the shelter-in-place order goes until April 7, so physically meeting for Palm Sunday is definitely out (that would have been too long of a procession with 6 feet between each of us, anyway).  I suppose it’s still theoretically possible we could hold Good Friday and Easter Services, but as the schools have just extended their campus closures until May 1, I can’t help but think the Alameda County Health Department won’t be far behind.  It’s all up in the air (and on some surfaces) at the moment.  We shall see…

However, as stated in an email yesterday, the Hospitality Committee is planning a Drive-Thru Easter Breakfast!  Yes, even if we can’t worship together, nothing stops this congregation from eating!  In order for this to work smoothly (we hope), please send an email to me ( or leave a message on the office phone (510-793-6285) with your name, how many people,  and what time between 9 am and 11 am you plan to pick it up.  If you need it delivered, let us know that, and give us your address and phone number as well as the other info.  It’ll be good to see each other even if it’s through a car window (a.k.a. “sneeze shield”).

Speaking of Easter, Carmen is looking for photos of Palm Sunday, Easter, and the Easter Garden at HTLC in past years.  If you have some good shots (that you wouldn’t mind having publicly displayed), please email them to Carmen at

This Sunday is the 5th Sunday of the month, which is usually Stewardship Sunday.  You may have thought you missed it, but don’t sigh that sigh of relief yet.  I’m taking the opportunity to remind you that Holy Trinity still needs to pay its bills and continue its work (you don’t get beautiful prose like this for nothin’!).  Please continue to support Holy Trinity through Give+ or by mailing your offering to the church, dropping it in the church’s mailbox, or by mailing or dropping it off at Terri MacFarlane’s (our Treasurer) home mailbox at 39639 Iolani Court, Fremont, CA 94538 (in case you’re nervous about it sitting in the church mailbox for a day or two).  Although we can’t meet there right now (the church, not Terri’s house), let’s not forget the important role our faith has in our lives.

In socially distant love,


Your friendly PLC

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