Lambs Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Worship service for May 3, 2020

Sunday, May 3rd, is the 4th Sunday of Easter. It’s also Good Shepherd Sunday, and it’s the 7th Sunday of shelter-in-place orders. Shelter-in-place has been extended to May 31st with a new order from the Alameda County Health Officer that takes effect at 11:59 pm Sunday. 

As we have been doing since the shelter-in-place order first took effect, we invite you to join us in this online worship service.

Please see our bulletin if you’d like to follow along and participate.  Today’s worship service was recorded at different times and places in order to observe social distancing restrictions.   

Full worship service

Click here for a Bulletin for the Service

Click Here for a Children’s Bulletin Ages 3+

Click Here for a Children’s Bulletin Ages 7+

Children’s time

Gospel and Sermon

Musical selections

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